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Danny Sullivan Group receives ‘Cyber Essentials Plus’ accreditation

The Danny Sullivan Group (DSG) achieved a significant milestone in its commitment to IT security recently by being awarded the Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation, placing the company in the top 1% of businesses across the country who meet such standards.

The accreditation was awarded following many months of rigorous testing of DSG’s IT systems where the company demonstrated the existence of robust security procedures and passed stringent evaluation and testing of the company’s cybersecurity infrastructure.

With increased digitisation, the risk of cyber-attack becomes more likely. As an organisation, DSG takes this risk very seriously and we are proactive in how we manage it. Our data, and that of our customers and people, is a major asset and our governance around protecting that is now being recognised as best in class.

Our customers rightfully expect nothing less and we are delighted to provide them with the assurance and trust that their assets are in safe hand.

DSG’s Information Technology Manager, Reza Mohammadiha, who played an instrumental part in securing the accreditation said of the achievement:

“This makes us even better at working with big clients like the Ministry of Defence and government groups. This certification isn’t just about protecting us – it shows our clients that we’re tough against cyber threats. Getting Cyber Essentials Plus isn’t just about cybersecurity. It’s about us promising to always bring our A-game.”