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This week is #nationalinclusionweek and is designed to celebrate everyday inclusion in all its forms!

Sharing, promoting and inspiring our inclusion practices and culture: together, we will build and develop the inclusion momentum, everyday.

Danny Sullivan Group have organised and will be participating in range of events and workshops this week to celebrate National Inclusion Week. We will be working with our clients, charitable organisations and colleagues in the construction industry to share best practices on how we are promoting #diversityandinclusion in the workplace.

Yesterday, Head of Client Relations & Business Development, Eibhlin Flynn, attended the Balfour Beatty Empowering Women Webinar, which talked about their Empower Programme, how they support female employees and the tools they have available for career development.

The M4 Project’s Big Night In was a huge success raising a whopping £100,000 for NHS COVID-19 Appeal

Daisy’s Dream and Slough Foodbank! Team DSG loved being a part of such a great initiative and really enjoyed tuning in to the event last night.

Congratulations to Balfour Beatty plc, Taylor Woodrow and VINCI Construction Grands Projects for such an incredible achievement.

Our very own Managing Director, Timothy O Sullivan, shared his story of how the NHS has helped his family and gave thanks to all who supported them.

Delivering Plant Vehicle Marshall Training to the staff working on the Thames Crossing Project

Over the last couple days our Health, Safety and Well-being Manager Ruairí Coffey attended the Balfour Beatty plc Lower Thames Crossing Project to deliver Plant Vehicle Marshall Training to the staff working on the project. This was part of a 2 day Training Programme to train staff in PVM, Manual Handling, Abrasive Wheels and Fire Awareness.

Organised by the project, we were delighted to be able to work collaboratively with our Supply Chain Partners VGC Group, Zone and Fortel Group to get all our staff working across the project trained and competent.

We all thoroughly enjoyed getting the opportunity to engage with our staff in the process and we all continue to successfully work under ‘the new normal’ and still achieve positive results. #healthandsafety #newnormal #positiveresults

On World Environment Day 2020 we pledge to continue to protect & preserve our world for future generations

Today marks #worldenvironmentday2020, which this year is themed around biodiversity.

2020 has demonstrated how strongly our society is connected with the natural world that we live in.The Worldwide disruption of Covid-19 has allowed us to witness first-hand the extreme impact that we are having on the world around us and proves that protecting our biodiverse planet should be at the forefront of our industry.

The Air is cleaner, the water is cleaner, Co2 emissions have reduced, wildlife is thriving and has even been spotted in cities. Most of us have been exercising and enjoying the outdoor life much more now than ever before. Nature has a way of connecting us to better physical and mental health so today on World Environment Day we want to stress the importance of protecting our environment, especially as we slowly go back to a new normal following this pandemic.

We need to ensure that our everyday lives have a positive impact on the world around us and that we pledge to continue to protect and preserve it so that our future generations can enjoy it as much as we have. #worldenvironmentday #thereisnoplanetb #biodiversity